
The AR-15 Lower Receiver: God Bless Texas!

I first laid eyes on the lower receiver of my dreams when I was doing random Google searches for Texas related AR-15 lowers. There are lots of different companies in Texas making lowers, and lots of lowers with Texas related markings or engravings, but nothing was really my style. All either too plain, too expensive, or too gaudy.

It was at this point that I stumbled upon the Aero Precision Special Texas Edition lower receiver. It was absolutely perfect. The outline of Texas is engraved on the right hand side, and a star is cut all the way through the mag well in the middle of the state. It's just the right amount of flair that makes me really excited, and it's design is so simple that I find it hard to believe that no one else is making a lower like this.

After looking around for people selling this lower, my heart completely broke. Since this lower is a special edition, they are hard to come by, and the people that do have them are charging a large premium over the standard Aero Precision lowers. As such, I prepared myself to never find one for a good price.

That's when my prayers were answered; Primary Arms was selling the Texas Edition lowers, and they were only $99.99! I immediately jumped on the chance and bought one. After taxes, shipping, and a $25 FFL fee, the grand total for the lower came out to $139.76.

 Your standard Aero Precision cardboard box

Your not so standard Texas Special Edition lower receiver!

The enabler in me reasons that this lower was absolutely worth the extra cost due to the weight savings of the cutout star. The realist in me knows that I bought this purely because of its cool factor.

If you want save money on a forged upper and lower, I wholeheartedly recommend that you look into the Anderson Arms offerings. I am buying an Aero Precision upper to go along with this particular lower just so that I have matching manufacturers making both the upper and lower receivers. I hear that matching manufacturers for the upper and lower is generally a good practice to follow, and for my first build, I don't see why I wouldn't want to take this advice.

Now that this exquisite lower is in my possession, my parts list is as follows:

Total cost to date: $235.28
Estimated cost remaining: $1,777.99

Estimated Grand Total: $2013.27

As you can see, I've gone over my estimated budget by just a bit with this lower. I might swap out the BCM grip for the cheaper and lighter MAGPUL MOE K grip, but I'll have to play around with the BCM grip a bit before making any final decisions. I will also continue to hunt for better prices from different retailers, so I'm confident that I can stay under my $2000 budget.

Be on the look out for Christmas/New Years purchases as well, I'm feeling motivated now that I have a lower!

'Till next time.


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